Source code for zmqwrapper.sockets

import zmq
from .constants import *

[docs]class SendReceiveMixin: """ Provides send or receive functionality for the sockets """
[docs] def send(self,message,message_type,topic=''): """ Send the message on the socket. Args: - message: the message to publish - message_type: the type of message being sent - topic: the topic on which to send the message. Defaults to ''. """ if message_type == RAW: self._sock.send(message) elif message_type == PYOBJ: self._sock.send_pyobj(message) elif message_type == JSON: self._sock.send_json(message) elif message_type == MULTIPART: self._sock.send_multipart([topic, message]) elif message_type == STRING: self._sock.send_string(message) elif message_type == UNICODE: self._sock.send_unicode(message) else: raise Exception("Unknown message type %s"%(message_type,))
[docs] def receive(self,message_type): """ Receive the message of the specified type and retun Args: - message_type: the type of the message to receive Returns: - the topic of the message - the message received from the socket """ topic = None message = None if message_type == RAW: message = self._sock.recv(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) elif message_type == PYOBJ: message = self._sock.recv_pyobj(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) elif message_type == JSON: message = self._sock.recv_json(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) elif message_type == MULTIPART: data = self._sock.recv_multipart(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) message = data[1] topic = data[0] elif message_type == STRING: message = self._sock.recv_string(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) elif message_type == UNICODE: message = self._sock.recv_unicode(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) else: raise Exception("Unknown message type %s"%(self._message_type,)) return (topic, message)
[docs]class ServerConnection(SendReceiveMixin,object): """ Creates a server side socket of given type. Args: - address: the address to use - socket_type: the tyoe of socket to open """ _address = None _ctx = None _sock = None def __init__(self, address,socket_type): self._address = address self._ctx = zmq.Context() self._sock = self._ctx.socket(socket_type) self._sock.bind(address)
[docs] def sock(self): """ Returns the zmq socket object being used for the connection. This can be used to send messages with additional flags etc. Returns: - The underlying zmq socket """ return self._sock
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the socket connection. """ self._sock.close()
[docs]class ClientConnection(SendReceiveMixin,object): """ Creates a client side socket of given type. Args: - address: the address to use - socket_type: the tyoe of socket to open """ _address = None _ctx = None _sock = None def __init__(self, address,socket_type): self._address = address self._ctx = zmq.Context() self._sock = self._ctx.socket(socket_type) self._sock.connect(address)
[docs] def sock(self): """ Returns the zmq socket object being used for the connection. This can be used to receive messages with additional flags etc. Returns: - The underlying zmq socket """ return self._sock
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the socket connection. """ self._sock.close()