Source code for zmqwrapper.publishers

import zmq
from .sockets import ServerConnection
from .constants import *

[docs]def publisher(address): """ Creates a publisher binding to the given port number. Args: - address: the address to bind the PUB socket to. """ return Publisher(address)
[docs]class Publisher(ServerConnection): """ Publisher that can send messages to ZMQ Args: - address: the address to bind to """ def __init__(self,address): super(Publisher,self).__init__(address,zmq.PUB)
[docs] def publish(self,message,message_type,topic=''): """ Publish the message on the PUB socket with the given topic name. Args: - message: the message to publish - message_type: the type of message being sent - topic: the topic on which to send the message. Defaults to ''. """ if message_type == MULTIPART: raise Exception("Unsupported request type") super(Publisher,self).send(message,message_type,topic)